Vision & MISSION

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Vision


As Paul teaches in the epistles, we are “co-laboring” to build a “glorious church”. This means that we are working… “To build a joyous, friendly, celebratory, victorious, unified, prayerful, and Spirit led church with committed members who work together for the conversion of non-believers in our community, the progressive spiritual growth and maturity of each member, of all generations, and the planting and nurturing of like natured churches around the world.”. 

The Mission


Our “mission” is to live like Jesus,  to love like Jesus, and to lead like Jesus. Jesus was very clear and intentional in His mission; He came to seek and save the lost. He came to restore relationship with our Heavenly Father. He came to call us all into his Great Commission to reach the world around us. Our mission is to be like Him – to Love God and to love people; everyone, everywhere, every day!
Live. Love. Lead! This is the heartbeat of Reset Church

The Strategy


How will we do this? We will engage people where they are with God’s love, helping them to understand that they belong. We will equip them in community to become what they alone are destined to be. Then we will empower and release them to do what they alone are called to accomplish.

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